Monday, December 18, 2006

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas from Bubble Santa!

This is a picture of Mei Lin having her first tubby here at home! It was her first experience with bubbles!

Painting mamma's face with bubbles is now a tubby tradition!

We had a good weekend. Saturday we went to the china adoption group get together and everyone welcomed Mei Lin with open arms!! (sorry, I don't have any pictures!!)

Sunday morning we listened to our CBC radio was half an hour long and it was really well done (but I hate the sound of my voice when it is recorded!!...but don't we all!) I was still suffering my cold and barely recovered from larengitis, so you could tell that I was trying very careful to pronounce my words properly!! But it was really nice and we are very happy with it. The reporter used all of the music from the video I created for Mei Lin, and 2 other island families were featured in the story as well. I emailed CBC to see if they could send us a copy.

Sunday night I went to my niece's syncronize swimming show! It was beautiful! They did a whole candle lit show in the water and everything! Here are some pics of my two beautiful nieces.

Today, we took Mei Lin to the pediatrician. He was very happy to see her as he is also from China, she was a very good girl and let them poke and prod with very little protest. They examined her cleft and said that it is quite a significant cleft and that it really should have been repaired at a younger age, therefore, she will most likely need several surgeries to repair it he said. He also said that her jaw is very small and will not fit all of her teeth, so we need to get her to a dentist right away. Her ear drums were pink, and he was afraid that she may have a hearing we did an emergency hearing test...they will call if there is a problem with the results. As for her speech, because she should have had the surgery at an earlier age, she will need a speech pathologist and we will work with the pediatrician on getting us one once we are finished with our assessment at IWK in January. He didn't say anything more about the cateracts.

After all that...we were supposed to take her to get her blood work and stuff done at the hospital...but she was getting we decided it would be best left for another day. So, we went down to get her SIN...but they had just closed for the day! So much to do!


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

We are praying that everything goes well for you guys and especially MeiLin. I love the photo of her in the tub! She's truly adorable.

Tao's Mommy said...

What a cute picture of Santa Mei Lin....that made me chuckle!!
Oh I wish I could've heard the radio interview. Is it in archives anywhere?
I sure hope all the tests are OK with Mei Lin. She's in my thoughts...the little "munchkin". Keep us posted!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of all of you as you go through all the tests and wait for the results. She is a brave little girl.

I am hoping that the radio station adds your interview to their podcasts so that I can download it.