This is my 100th post to the blog!!
This week has been a fairly rough week with Mei Lin. Sleep has been non-existant...a big change from last week where she was sleeping through the night. I think it is all the new faces with it being such a busy time of the year. She is very sensitive this week. I think she is getting too much attention and it is overwhelming her. Here is a picture that best describes how Mei Lin has been feeling this week! But we'll be OK...next week will be better!
I couldn't take much more of being stuck in the house...and Mei Lin was feeling the same way I think...so we booted er' out to Auntie Tracey's to play with cousin Rory, which was a blessing to the both of us!! Here is some pics of the cuteness they were displaying:
Big Hugs! Rory is such a cutie...the first day they met...Mei Lin was crying and he said to her "Don't cry darlin'!" ~Rory is 3.5 months older than Mei Lin.
Pet the kitty!
So, now I am feeling a bit better and so is Mei Lin...we just needed a wee little break! Hopefully tonight we get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!!
The pediatrician called, Mei Lin's hearing test results came back and he has made an appointment for her with the ear doctor on Dec. 27th. He is going to get in touch with me before then to discuss the results...(he called today, but I missed the call).
Here is a picture of her cleft palate. It is called a "second degree, cleft palate". It is a hole in the soft palate of her mouth (at the back)
Mei Lin impressed me yesterday...she has trouble pronouncing B's and D's because with her cleft...she is unable to build any pressure up in her mouth to get these sounds out (so, Ba Ba...sounds like ma ma...and bum sounds like mum!). Yesterday, all on her own, she discovered that by plugging her nose, she was able to get out a sound that sounded like Da Da! She simply amazes me! And a few days before that...since mama means both baba and a call for mommy...to tell the two apart, I decided to show her a sign language that meant baba (bottle)...a day later, she was sitting on the floor and she all of a sudden starts signing that she wanted her bottle!! She is just so smart!!
Such a cutie! She likes to wipe her own mouth!
Anyway, I'll stop bragging now!!
PS~Thank you to little Alyssa MacKinnon for the beautiful barretts! Mei Lin is getting great use out of them!
Wow! Sounds like you've had an interesting week! Hope everything gets back to normal so you won't be too tired over Christmas. I'm also thinking about you guys with all the medical stuff and I'm praying that everything goes well for MeiLin. Happy Holidays!
Hi Nat
I knew about all this but was not sure if it all finally took place. Karla told me today. I am so proud and happy for both of you. Mat God watch over all of yoyu and bless you all. Merry Christmas and have a great New Year.
I hope things get better for Mei Lin. I can just imagine how hard it is on these little ones to see tons of new faces. I will have to remember that!! I'm sure all the pokes at the doctor didnt help either!! Those pictures of her & Rory are too cute. Thanks for the lesson on cleft palate...I dont know much about it!!! I sure hope all goes well when the doctor phones back.
Anyways, I've been thinking of you guys and hope you get some zzzz's tonight. Santa is only a few sleeps away!!!
Keep us posted!!
HOw precious!
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