What else do I know...well I know that if we do go in November that we will depart for China around the 18th and be returning on the 30th.
I know that there are at least 2 other families that received the same call that I did about preparing for November travel...just in case (they are in the same boat I am).
And I know that....we really won't know anything more until next week! Ahhhh! It's only Wednesday!
Oh well...it IS going to happen right?? This all sounds better than wondering if it will be January or February!

Oh, did anyone notice Mei Lin's picture in the paper today??

I have been following her care package...here is the most updated information as per Canada Post Tracking site:
Item has arrived in destination country
It's getting closer!!
Oh yes! I saw MeiLin's picture in the paper today! And my friend called me to say she saw her picture too. MeiLin is very well known, you know. I've been giving all my friends and family updates on your journey so it may just surprise you to know how many people were admiring Miss MeiLin in the Journal today.
Can't wait to find out what next week brings.
What paper was this in?
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