I would also like to thank everyone at Daniel's work (especially Barb & Alice) for the funds they raised for our trip to China. These ladies put together a wonderful basket full of great stuff, and sold tickets on it. They raised $514.00 for us. I was so touched by their thoughtfulness, and the generosity (sp?) and support of his co-workers. So thank you to ALL of them! I wish I had a picture of the basket, I would post for all to see!
We received a package in the mail yesterday. It was Mei Lin's life book. I ordered it about a month ago (http://cadoam.com/) and kind of forgot about it. It is a book that mommy and daddy will fill out that tells the story of how Mei Lin came to join her family. It includes stuff like how we started our adoption journey, what we did while we waited, our first thoughts upon receiving her file/pictures, first haircut (a place for a lock of hair), family tree, birthday memories etc. I think it is something she will cherish. I think I will fill it out and save it until she is a little older, and perhaps starts to ask questions. Her name is written in chinese on the cover.

We have sent our Visa applications, travel info, etc. to our agency. The agency makes all the travel arrangements and on Thursday nite, we received an email from a travel agency with confirmed dates, flight numbers, seat numbers, flight times etc. Obviously they had made an error, but geesh...stop dangling those carrots in front of us!!!! Did anyone see the movie "Click"? with Adam Sandler? (Lu Lu, I know you did!) Well in the movie, Adam Sandler could use his remote control and fast forward through anything he wanted in life...I would really like to take that remote control and fast forward to the day they say "yes, you are going!"!!!...can ya blame me?! I hope this next week doesn't drag on like the last one did...this is just killing us!!!
Yeah I am so glad that Mei Lin received her package, she must be so excited/happy.
Hopefully soon we will some photos of her with her gifts.
I love the life book, where did you order it from?
That is a lovely gesture from the co-workers at Daniels work, it is nice to have their support.
That life book is BEAUTIFUL! Hmmm....where did you get it?
That is sooo wonderful that MeiLin got her package from Mommy & Daddy. Just think she could be laying in her crib looking at YOU right now!!
I ordered that same book too!! I just LOVE it and know that Channing will cherish it when she is older. I even now look at my baby book, but it ISN'T the same. This one is PERFECT and sooo much can be recorded. I havent written in the book yet, just have done it on LOOSE paper which I will copy over maybe once I'm home. I'm affraid I will make a mistake...lol.
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