Natalie, Daniel;
I talked again to Yulin and she is quite certain you will not be delayed because of the dossier problem.
I have given your names and phone number to XXXXX XXXXXX (blocked name for privacy)who is committed to XXX XX XX (blocked name for privacy) who is the child you saw on the last of the set of videos. The expectation is that you will travel with XXXXXX to Shaoguan.

Everything happens for a reason....and now I believe I finally know the reason! People come into our lives when we need them the most. These 2 little girls must need each other right now. So although the timing was right for just wasn't for these two little girls. These two little girls are only a couple of weeks apart in age and have the same special need (cleft palate). They may have entered the orphanage at the same time, and now...they are going to leave at the same time. I think it is beautiful!
Those are my thoughts...and I am going to hold onto that!
Hey guys, so does that mean maybe October? November? Bob's response certainly sounds promising and it sounds like Yulin is advocating for you. I love the way you are looking at the positive side of this for MeiLin and her friend. We are always thinking of you guys.
WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Oh heart totally relaxed when I read this post!!
Now I guess we are back to the TA Pool??? Hmmm what day are we on???
Thanks for posting the update & keep smilin!!
I couldnt agree more, when I saw them together in the video my heart went out to them. Soon you will be there holding your little angel.
I have always said things happen for a reason, sometimes it just takes a long time to find out the reason, if we ever do. I cried reading your post while nodding my head in agreement, this must have been the reason for all the delays ect; What a beautiful and story and connection these two will have forever, their own little red thread that connects them.
WOW. I just found your blog. What a tough time you must be having. How frustrating for you and yet you show such grace when you talk aobut it. I pray that things will get straightened out!
Janet T.
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