Thursday, November 09, 2006

The all important document

Well, today is exactly 4 months that we have been waiting for TA! AND WE GOT IT!!!! What a relief! A weight has been lifted. WE ARE GOING TO CHINA IN 8 DAYS!! Doing the happy dance!

As well, my sister in Korea says she has tentatively booked a flight on the 25 th to beijing! She hopes to stay with us for a couple of days. I can't wait for her to meet Mei Lin! I haven't even met Mei Lin yet...but I just know she's gonna love her!!

I'm just so excited! I will write more later and scan a copy of the actual TA to post on the blog for you all to see...we are going to celebrate!

Thank you all so much for all your prayers, good thoughts, and shoulders to cry on. It all means so much to us.


Tao's Mommy said...


Mei Lin your Mama & Dada are on their way to you!!!

That is so wonderful that your sister is going to be able to meet you in Beijing!!!

I hope you have a great night CELEBRATING!!! I'll have a drink for you!!!

8 days and your "LLLEAVING ON A JET PLANE"....and coming home with Mei Lin!!!

Anonymous said...

Well a Big CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!So glad to hear you finally received it.Can't wait to follow your Journey to your little angel.

from Saint John,NB

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Doing the happy dance with you! I CANNOT believe this is finally so so excited for you guys. Please post lots from China. I want to see lots of pics of Mei Lin and you guys. Remember, we'll take all the advice you've got when you return. Have a great celebration and lots of may be the last time you can wake up with a headache with no baby to look after!!!!

Thumbelina's Mom said...


Middle-Aged Moi said...

8 days! YIKES!!!! I don't think I would be sleeping! Good luck with getting everything ready!

Janet T.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! I"m so happy for you!!!! my prayers have been with you through this journey and will continue until Mei Lin's little feet hit PEI soil!!!