Sunday, October 29, 2006

My girl is growing!

Today we received some updated info on our daughters measurements. The last measurements we had were from a year this is great to have! I have checked her measurements to see where she sits on the growth charts...keeping in mind that chinese children are typically smaller than american children, so she is a tad on the lower side of the charts. This info came at really great timing, as we are going to see the doctor tomorrow to have him take a look at her file, and to refer us to Dr. Wong.

Mei Lin turned 20 months yesterday and we have been told that she now weighs 22 lbs and has 16 of her 24 baby teeth. Her other measurements are as follows:

Height: 31.9 inches
Head: 17.7 inches
Chest: 18.1 inches
Foot: 5.1 inches (big feet I think!...gonna have to return all my shoes I bought!)

Here are her results on the growth charts and an explaination of what it means (note, I had to use 18 months as it didn't give the option of 20 months):

Sex = girl
Age = 18 Months
Length = 81.0 centimeters
Weight = 10.0 kilograms
Head circumference = 45.0 centimeters

Based on the data you submitted, your child falls into the following percentiles:
Length = between 50th and 75th percentile
Weight = between 10th and 25th percentile
Head Circumference = between 10th and 25th percentile

What do the percentiles mean? If your child is in the 20th percentile for weight, for example, he weighs more than 20 percent of children his age and less than the other 80 percent.

What do I get from all this? ....I'd say she is tall, skinny, and has big feet!! Oh, I love her!...can't wait to get my hands on her!


Anonymous said...

This is great info to get, this should help you with some of your before travel purchase.

Tao's Mommy said...

Soo exciting!!! Now you have a better idea what to get...size wise!!