Sunday, October 08, 2006

How do we get through the days of waiting??

Mini milestones, that is how Daniel and I are passing the time, so the wait to TA doesn't seem like an eternity. Tomorrow is actually a milestone for us, "Thanksgiving". I love I have been counting down the days for the past two weeks...and it actually went by pretty quick! Once Thanksgiving comes and goes...we will have a new milestone...some are not so significant, but a milestone none the less. Our next milestone will be "11 days until our last set of Hep shots"...not something I usually "count down the days til, as I really hate needles"...but gotta have something right?! It seems to be working for me so far!


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I think the idea of "small milestones" is a great one. Gives you "little" steps so you can make big steps. Oh, and the pictures of your little one are great. Bet you can't wait to meet her! Will you blog in China? I'd love to watch your trip!

Janet T.

Tao's Mommy said...

You said it..."mini milestones"!! That is taking the words right out of my mouth!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING...Hope you had a great weekend!!