Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 96...not a good day for us

Today, we recieved a call from our agency in Ottawa. They called to tell us that they are very unsure that we will travel in November as they have come to find out that our file has actually NOT been processed yet. A few weeks ago, they told us that it had been, and we were just waiting on that piece of paper to be signed and then we would be able to go (TA). I guess they had just assumed that it was, since December was "out of review".

So, our excitement has turned into sadness and Daniel and I both are finding it hard to get our chins up (we are actually getting a little rug burn from them dragging on the floor). With our file not even processed at this point, we have no idea of when we will go...could be December, could be January, could be February. There is no sure way to predict. I will not even say that I am still hopeful for December as I can't bare to set myself up for more disappointment - especially at Christmas. My baby is getting older, and I am sad that she has to wait so long for us. We have known about her since March, these delays are getting the better of me. The wait is harder than I ever imagined it would be. What a rollercoaster.

There are some good sides to this that I will use to keep me going...

1) She will have lots of time to look at her photo album we sent to her to get to know our faces.

2) Perhaps we will travel with the other family that is adopting her cribmate.

3) Perhaps we will travel with the Clows!

4) Parental leave will flow over the summer months.

5) If we go after Christmas, my sister will be able to meet us there as she lives in Korea and will be on vacation in Jan/Feb.

Five, that's all I have. Can you think of any others?


Anonymous said...

If you go to China in Jan or Feb your MOM can go too. Just have to find another puppy sitter for Murray........ I am really feeling your hurt right now, but let's keep our spirits up because I believe positive thoughts make positive and good thngs happen..sooner or later......yes? Love you both, mom

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

I am speechless. I cried as I read Marvin this post on your blog. I am so sad for you right now. And when you said one of the positives would be travelling with us...we would love that too.

If there is ANYTHING we can do, let us know.


Anonymous said...

Guys,I feel so bad for you both, the excitment and then the disappointment, it's not fair! Try your best to stay positive, think of all the great things to happen in the future when the little "lady bug" does arrive :0)Perhaps we'll have a girls day to Moncton Nat, how's that sound? And tell your mama that I can check in on murray so you can all go if it end up being in the new year :0)


Deb said...

Nat and Daniel,
I am so sad, man I can't begin to imagine the desperation that is in your hearts. I have never heard of anyone going threw anything of the sort.I wish I had some encouraging words for you,all I can think of is that everything happens for a reason.....I just hope you find out the reason soon.
Love you guys

RoLo said...

I wish that I had the solution and could speed up our waiting it is hard to be going through all of this and I am thinking of you. I dont have any wise words of motivation myself but I have copied some quotes that I hope you will find some inspiration in.

“Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.”

All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope”

“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”

“The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile”

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”

Anonymous said...

Remember the poem i gave u for your birthday Nat? Desiderata...

"...whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.."

We don't know why these sort of things happen to's so easy to say "why me" "what did i do to deserve this?" but in reality, we didn't do anything to 'deserve' what we get(good or bad)'s all up to the man upstairs..whatever you conceive him to be..and 'he' has a's just not time yet.
That's a frustrating notion but when we accept it and realize that we cannot change/manipulate this 'plan' (no matter how hard we try) we should be able to breath easier. Continue with the Mandarin, keep up with those ladybug dreams, and breath. Your 'plan' is next in line.

love u guys..big hugs from south korea...