I thought I would post some FYI info for those who are also adopting from China and may want to do the same once they get their referral.
We sent a very small package 541g in the smallest box we could find, with a declared value of $40.00 through Xpresspost. To have the package arrive within 11 business days it cost us a total of $52.58. To have it arrive within 7 business days...it would have cost $80 plus dollars.
So Mei Lin should receive her goodies by October 26th. (Another mini milestone for us!)
Here is another pic that we included in our photo album we sent to Mei Lin...

Good to know...I love when I hear about people getting their disposable cameras back with pictures from their child's time in the orphanage. This would be so nice for our girls to have when they are older. Thanks for the info. Pricey (don't know if that's a word), but worth every cent!
I can only imagine the joy in her little heart when the caregivers hand her a package full of presents for her saying that it is from her mommy and daddy.
HOLY CRAP.....but well worth it!! Mei Lin will get her goodies and also get to look at those great pictures of Mama & Dada. This little girl will know that mom & dad are on their way to get her....ohh how exciting!!
Did you take a picture of the goodies and the box???
I'm a thinking I will be paying a fortune in shipping, but your help might save me some $$$$...lol!!
I'll be thinking of little Mei LIn on October 26th.
You guys are such a beautiful couple....you can tell you are "glowing"!!!
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