Saturday, September 30, 2006

Day 80...(sigh)

Today is 80 days since we sent our letter to China telling them we would adopt Qu Le Xuan (Mei Lin). Only about 50-70 more days before we see her little face! I dreamed about her last night. In my dream she had just arrived home with us, she was happy, smiling and walking. Her hair was short and she was very petite. Everyone wanted to hold her, but she was very attached to mommy, and I was trying to explain to her that mommy had to go to work but I was coming back, not to worry! She was staying with her grammy for the day! I love dreaming about her. I always wake up feeling happy and energized!

Today we are going to Charlottetown to do some shopping for the trip and then we are going to have supper and then go to the book launch - "Chinese Islanders" by Hung-Min Chiang. It should be very interesting.

A friend of mine who has adopted from China twice was able to finally get the correct pronounciation of Mei Lin's chinese name for us! (Thanks Sue!) Her chinese name is Le Xuan, pronounced Lee Swan in cantonese - my baby's a Swan!

As for the amendment that we need from the province...(we are only approved for a child 20 months of age...Mei Lin will be 21 months when we adopt her)...last Friday, when I called to request it from the provincial government...they actually said "No, Problem!"...can you imagine??? And I was ready for a fight! Although, they did say they would do it on Monday of this week, and would call us when it is ready.'s Saturday, haven't heard from them. (not surprised) They haven't responded to any of my email either...I'm not too worried about it though, as our agency has informed us - China does not require this amendment. (It is only PEI that thinks we need such a thing)!!!

Have a good weekend are some more baby shower pics!


RoLo said...

your baby shower looks like it was lots of fun:)

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hope you guys enjoy the book launch as much as we did. I heard on RQ that SN TA's were expected soon...does that have anything to do with you guys? The baby shower looks like it was amazing. Keep us posted on further developments. I can't wait to see meet Mei Lin in person.

Deb said...

Swan..........What a beautiful ring that has to it.