Sunday, August 13, 2006

Spoke to our agency

Our agency in Ottawa called today to let us know what the phone message was all about. Apparently they (China) were trying to process our file...but they realized that they have not received our documents from PEI Government yet.

They (PEI) "apparently" were supposed to have sent these documents to China a month ago. Tomorrow I have to contact PEI Gov. and ask them if they even sent the documents (Letter of Intent and amendment we spent months doing). And if they did...get the tracking number, to see if we can find out where it is. If I find out they forgot to send our documents...I am going to freak out!

If it's going to happen...It'll happen to us!

On a happier note....our agency was able to obtain some video footage of Mei Lin...and is sending it to us in the mail. They tried to send via email...but it was too big of a file :o( But that's okay...this kind of makes the bad news a little more bareable!

I am going to try to look at this bad news as a possible blessing in now...China is waiting for the documents...we resend...say here you go...and hopefully they do it up right away!

Lets cross our fingers for that scenario!

I will let you all know tomorrow what I find out from PEI Gov.



Anonymous said...

OMG I will be so mad if they havent sent your papers for you yet.

J Brant said...

I seriously can't take much more of this...if it is PEI again making a mistake I think I will have to move to another province...I can't take it and it isn't even me yet!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

I just got home from a family get-together and I am just sick! Sick, sick, sick! I cannot believe this is happening. Please, please let us know how things turn out when you talk to the people in Charlottetown tomorrow. I just know I'm not gonna sleep tonight.....

Lots of hugs and prayers are on their way to Kelvin Grove and China.

Red Sand said...

Any news? You must be going out of your mind. I just keep shaking my head in disbelief.

Deb said...

Wow you have an amazing amount of patience. I think I would be pulling out my hair, my eyes, my teeth by now.
I will be praying for you. Hopefully China will get it ASAP.
Happy belated B'Day! Sounds like you had fun. Can't wait to see your post on the video.

Tao's Mommy said...

OMG Natalie.....why, why, why???
Your file has to be somewhere....maybe it is actually at CCAA, but just slid through the cracks somewhere!!! My thoughts are with you fursure....