Monday, August 14, 2006

Paperwork still M.I.A

Well, the province did send the paperwork to China (lucky for them) on July 12th and they confirmed that the receptionist at China's Center for Adoption Affairs did sign for it. The only thing is that it was sent to the old CCAA building. CCAA started their move to a new location right around the same time. So, our papers may have been lost in the move. Our agency said they will make another call tonight (time difference is about 12 hours in China) to see what they can find out. So we sit...and we wait. I can't believe another month has been lost. We really should have been in China by now. I can't even say I'm surprised that this has happened.

I'm really bummed out today. But I still have faith that things may work in our favour in the end.

Bye for now...


RoLo said...

Oh my goodness. I cant even imagine how you are feeling. I really hope that Yulin phones you soon with GOOD news.

Tao's Mommy said...

Nat....keep your chin up!! I bet your on the hunt for the mailman everyday!! I'm so excited for you to see the video clip of Mei Lin...hopefully you might be able to share some with us...YIPPEEE!!
Any news from the "MIRACLE" worker????
